Q2 Radio - Linux - Unsupported workaround for manual insertion of internet radio URL's

Q2 Radio - Linux - Unsupported workaround for manual insertion of internet radio URL's


As a workaround I have restored my channels to the Q2 by manually locating the relevant radio stream direct URLs (google search) and setting them on the Q2 using a third-party Linux client. I have put together some brief instructions on how to do the latter on Microsoft Windows with WSL.

The linked brief instructions read. (credit. J. Adamson, 2025)

# Open elevated Powershell
wsl.exe --install
# Installed WSL and the default distro, Ubuntu 24.04
# Prompted to reboot, done
# Open elevated Powershell
wsl.exe -l -v
    Windows Subsystem for Linux has no installed distributions. <== Weird and incorrect!
wsl.exe --install Ubuntu
    Ubuntu is already installed.
    Launching Ubuntu...
# Set up username/password
sudo su -
apt update
# Possibly one or two non-essential packages here
apt install -y usbutils libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-dev build-essential g++-10
# Note the number of USB devices

# Install usbipd-win from downloadable MSI file - https://github.com/dorssel/usbipd-win
# Open separate new elevated Powershell window
# Connect Q2 Radio to PC by USB
# The following command will list Bus IDs, take note of the one that pertains to the Q2
usbipd list
usbipd bind --busid {BUSIS}
usbipd attach --wsl --busid={BUSID}
# Check that it's now shared. if you need to detech, use usbipd detach --busid={BUSID}
usbipd list 

# Back in original Powershell window:
# You should now se an extra USB device (the Q2) after running lsusb
cd ~
cd q2radio/src
make install
# You can now follow the Run Examples in https://github.com/vporpo/q2radio/blob/master/README.md

Update 24-02-2025
There is now a Windows build, please see here https://github.com/vporpo/q2radio
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